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13 September 2017

Benefits of a Multi-Touch Marketing Campaign

multi-touch marketing

Marketing strategies vary from company to company but the objective is always the same: to establish a relationship with your customers in an effort to increase clientele. One way to accomplish this is through multi-touch marketing. 

In multi-touch marketing, a company reaches out to its target audience using a variety of formats that contain a consistent message. Formats can include:

  • e-mail
  • telemarketing
  • direct mail
  • social media

Knowing your target audience and how to reach them is the first step to implementing an effective multi-touch marketing campaign

There are many benefits to implementing this type of market strategy. Statistics show that consumers are more apt to purchase from companies they have seen before. It is, therefore, crucial to establish multiple connections in multiple ways. This will help your potential customers become more familiar with your products or services, and they, in turn, will be more apt to turn to you when making a purchase. Multi-touch marketing allows you to get to this point of loyalty faster and more effectively, because the consumer has had more exposure to your brand. This, in turn, leads to improving your marketing campaign's performance, anticipating your marketing costs with greater efficiency, speeding up the sales cycle and streamlining your marketing strategy.

One of the greatest benefits of multi-touch marketing is that you can target your audience where they spend the most time, thus saving valuable marketing dollars.   

Taking a targeted and multi-touch approach will maximize your company's return on investment; and that, in the end, leads to a better bottom line.

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