NAICS Code Lookup
At Exact Data, our NAICS Code Lookup tool empowers you to explore specific industries at a deeper level.
NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) classifies businesses based on the process used to create the products and services. It was created in cooperation by the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
NAICS uses 6-digits: the first five digits are common among the three participating countries and the sixth digit allows each country to recognize specific activities important within their border.
Below you will find a complete list of NAICS codes that can be used to target your searches for new customers.
Use Our NAICS Code Lookup Tool
We've made it easy to target your audience by their specific industry (you can also view our extensive NAICS code hierarchy table below).
Using NAICS Code Lists FAQ:
View Our Extensive NAICS Code Hierarchy Table Below
Utilizing NAICS codes can help elevate your marketing and lead to even more targeted audiences. Exact Data aims to stand out as the ideal partner for helping you get started.
Precisely target your audience now and jump into refining your marketing campaigns, conducting competitor research, or even appending NAICS codes within your customer database. Our expertise will help to ensure that your business takes full advantage of the power of NAICS codes.