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11 September 2017

Email Personalization Techniques To Enhance Your Marketing Efforts

email personalization

In a world where over 200 billion email messages are sent each day, making sure your email stands out in a person’s email box has become paramount. One of the best ways of making sure that your emails are opened and receive the attention they deserve is personalization.

Here are some of the best email personalization techniques you can use to maximize your results:

Use Their First Name

Dale Carnegie once said, ““A person’s name is to that person, the sweetest, most important sound in any language.” When you use a person’s name in their email in subject lines or greetings, it immediately grabs their attention.

A study by Stanford School of Business found including a person’s name in the subject line increased open rates by 20%. 

Using a person's first name, and in some cases their business name, can also help increase conversions.

Use From Name To Improve Open Rates

A lot of companies send email to their list from a generic email address - admin@xyz.com, donotreply@mycompany.com.

People like to do business with those whom they know, like, and trust. When the from name that shows up in a person’s email box doesn't appear to be a real person, people are less likely to open the email than they would if it appeared to come from a real person. 

Using LinkedIn as an example, the emails offers they send to upgrade to premium services are from someone - Liz at LinkedIn Sales Solutions.

Geographic Personalization

Through testing, many marketers have found the time of the day their email is sent can affect open rates. When it’s 8 am where you are, it’s 8 pm someplace else. Geographic segmentation can help ensure that all recipients receive your message at the best time for them.

Geographic segmenting can also help deliver content relevant to where your recipient is.

Email continues to be one of the most effective ways to deliver your marketing message. Personalization is a simple thing you can do to increase open rates and conversions.

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