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24 January 2017

3 Essential Copywriting Tips for High-Engagement Email Marketing Campaigns

Email Copywriting

Looking to boost the engagement of your email marketing campaigns? It's all about the copy. Experienced copywriters have a whole retinue of writing techniques that bring in the crowds and increase the level of response. Read on to find out 3 must-have tips for crafting high-quality copy for your next campaign.

1. Grab their attention with an eye-catching subject line and call-to-action

For many emails, the subject line is the one part that actually gets read by the recipient. The rest of the email only gets read if the subject line really stands out.

If you want to be sure that your email is one of those few, make your subject line something special. Use an active sentence structure and don't shy away from superlatives such as "unparalleled," "incredible" and "outstanding."

The same applies to the call-to-action. Make your CTA a concrete action that the reader can do today. Punch it up the right way, and your customers will find it irresistible.

2. Clarity and brevity are your friends

Long, labyrinthine sentences make anyone but the most dedicated fiction reader snooze on sight. That's the last thing you want when making a pitch.

Keep your sentences short and sweet, and avoid complicated grammatical structures. This has the additional benefit of appealing to those for whom English (or your marketing language of choice) is a second language.

An email that's between 200 and 300 words is the sweet spot for maximum engagement. It's enough meat to convey information, but not so much that it presents as an interminable reading ordeal for time-challenged readers.

3. Add a personal touch

When building up your mailing list, be sure to collect first and last names. Most mailing list management platforms allow you to address an email directly to the individual by inserting customized data for each customer.

Referring to the recipient by their first name only is a great way to make your letter more personal, befriending the customer on behalf of your brand.

As you can see, great copy is all about grabbing the reader's attention. But, as technology improves and demographics change, new marketing techniques are being developed every year. Be sure to experiment to find out what works for your audience.

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