05 August 2020

7 Practical Tips to Create a Powerful Email Subject Line

If you’re ready to take action and improve your email marketing efforts you’re off to a great start! The question you might be asking is, now what? Before you can start sending out new email campaigns, it’s essential to refine your subject line to make sure that you capture the reader’s attention, make it clear what the email is about, and encourage them to open it. We’re sharing seven practical tips to help you create a compelling email subject line that works! 

  • Write Your Subject Line First

When you’re preparing to send an email out for your business consider writing the subject line before you plan out the contents of the email. Identify the main purpose of your communication to provide a clear direction of what you want to say. This will give you solid ground and make sure you create a click-worthy subject line.

  • Place The Most Important Word At The Beginning 

You only have a split second to capture the attention of the reader. Make sure that whatever you want them to see first is placed front and center, so there is no chance of them missing it. With more than half of emails being read on smartphones, it’s imperative that you get right to point to avoid your messaging getting cut-off. 

  • State a Clear Call To Action

Make it very clear what you want your readers to do. The subject line should correlate well with the email contents, so there is no question about what you’re asking from them. Simple, emails with a clear call to action always get better results than over cluttered ones that make it difficult to understand. 

  • Use Searchable Keywords

People are busy and may not be able to get your email right away, even if they’re interested in reading it. Chances are they get a large number of emails a day, so incorporate keywords related to the email content within the subject line, so it’s easily searchable if a reader wants to come back and find it later. 


  • Create a Sense of Urgency 

Readers are much more likely to respond to an email when they feel a sense of urgency. In your subject line, make it clear if the email's content is time-sensitive, includes a limited time offer or a limited number of participants to encourage them to take the time to read the email to make sure that they don’t miss out.

  • Avoid Excessive Use of Capital Letters

Did you know that using all caps in the digital world is equivalent to yelling? You don’t want to give your customers the wrong message or think that you’re shouting at them. Instead, use dashes and colons to separate out your subject line and make it easy to read without causing the reader anxiety. All caps can also come across as spammy, and your chances of having your email sent to spam could significantly increase. 

  • Use Targeted Language

When you’re reaching out to new prospects, use subtle targeted language to engage the reader. Take time to understand their interests and what type of language would best capture their attention to help you create a powerful subject line that will increase your open rate. 

If your business is on the search for new business, look no further. Exact Data sources our data from a secure natural database with over 242 million email records paired with the technology and tools to help you find your ideal audience in real-time. 

Over the past 20 years, the experts at Exact Data have provided exceptional service and accurate data that our customers have come to expect and trust. Contact us today to use today and learn how you can acquire new customers cost-effectively with our highly targeted email lists so you can be on your way to incorporate these subject line tips and acquire new business quicker.

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