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09 December 2016

How A/B Testing Can Improve Your Email Campaigns

A/B testing (also known as split testing) is a great way to see which email campaign performs better. To conduct an A/B test you must send out two emails that are identical except for one or two different aspects. Then you can analyze the test results to see which email received the highest open rate or engagement.

How A/B Testing Can Improve Your Email Campaigns

A/B testing allows you to optimize your email campaigns so you can achieve the best results. You can use the information gathered from A/B testing to make better decisions about the email's copy and creative elements. The more frequently you conduct A/B testing, the more you can understand how to increase your reader's engagement. Overall, A/B testing is a powerful tool that can help you create more successful email campaigns.

Example A/B Testing Ideas for Your Next Email Campaign

Below are several examples of how you can use A/B testing to improve your email campaigns.

  • Email Subject - Which subject line receives the highest open rate?
  • Email Sender - What happens when you change the name of the email sender? Does it make a difference?
  • Photos - Do your email subscribers enjoy emails with photos or do they prefer just text?
  • Times - When do your emails have the highest open rate and engagement? Early in the morning, afternoon, or in the evening?
  • Call to Action - You can also test your email's call to action link. Change the size, color, and placement of the link to analyze which one converts the best.

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